I'm a member of several on-line support groups -- one with other families who have adopted, or are in the process of adopting from the same Social Welfare Institute (SWI, aka orphanage). It's wonderful to learn from those who have "been there done that" and I've gained so much insight from these folks.
The day after Thanksgiving I received an email from Karen, who is adopting from the same SWI. Our agency put us in touch months ago, and I'm thankful for the contact. Karen's little girl, Caeleigh, is just a few months younger than Oakley. I'd mentioned before to her that I hope Caeleigh and Oakley are friends and that we get the opportunity to travel together. Her family is a little further along in the process, so that's unlikely, but I'm praying that our paperwork will travel the channels quickly!!
Anyway ....... Karen emailed me to let me know that another family is in China now, adopting their beautiful baby girl from the same SWI and they've taken pictures of every child and posted them on our online group's website for the other families!! Oakley and Caeleigh are standing side by side in one of the photos, wearing identical yellow sweaters (the same one she wore in her referral photo). Now I REALLY hope we get to travel together. It breaks my heart to think about Caeleigh leaving with her forever family, and Oakley remaining behind to wait for us.
It means so very much to see updated photos and I've studied each and every detail. So on this day, I give thanks to the
Strand Family for taking the time to photograph each child so the parents waiting to travel can see their beautiful faces.
I physically ache for my little girl ....