Thursday, June 29, 2006

The First Time We Saw Her Face

Mike and I have decided to request a baby, 0-18 months of age, preferably as young as possible. However, during my extensive research in searching for the right agency, I visit a lot of adoption agency websites and I can't help but look at the adorable babies on the Waiting Child lists.

I saw this doll baby on A Helping Hand's (AHH) website on June 29, 2006. Her Chinese name is Dang Xin Xiang, aka "Mya", and she's two years old. Her file noted that she was "on hold", meaning a family was considering her for adoption. Although she was older, she touched my heart. I emailed Grace Shelton at AHH and asked to be put on a waiting list in the event the other family had not made a final decision. She emailed me back to let me know that the other family had indeed been matched with Mya and they were in the process of adopting her.

I was so drawn to her and bookmarked the site so I could visit her picture over and over again. I was sad when her photo was removed and I truly felt an empty spot in my heart. I prayed for her and thanked God that she had found her forever family, although I wished it could have been us. Such a solemn little face ... she reminds me of an old soul. I wish for her a lifetime of laughter and love.

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