Monday, March 24, 2008

America the Beautiful

My patriotic little girl knows the Pledge of Allegiance and when reciting it, she insists that everyone within hearing range place their hands over their hearts.

This evening, she followed it up with her own rendition of America the Beautiful.

In perfect pitch, she sang ...

"America, America, God shed His FACE on ME.

And crown THE good with brotherhood, from sea to shining SNEEZE."

Love this girl!


Jennifer said...

Oh Jana!

These are the first photos I've seen of her with her hair pulled over like that. SO CUTE! She is really looking so grown up!!!! You have to get her singing on video. I missed a few of those priceless moments... and am so sad over it. She is really so adorable!

Somewhere In The Sun said...

What a perfect rendition! Too cute!


Whitty's Four said...

Believe me Jana, She is very smart!! We are just learning the ABC's.

Anonymous said...

Ha! That is priceless! She is looking so incredibly grown up Jana. It's bittersweet isn't it? I was thinking just this morning that your gotcha day anniversary is just around the corner...unbelievable!

Love you guys,

DiJo said...

Hi Jana!
Thank you for visiting "The Pearl & The Ruby!" I remember following your story to Oakley. She is as beautiful as her name! And, I love her haircut!

The Ferrill's said...

Oh please video this, it's hysterical!
Jana, I LOVED your Easter post below! It sounds like yall had a glorious Easter! My favorite is the pic of Oakley with her peeps...Peeps are the BEST! None of my children like them so when the Easter Bunny gives them peeps in their basket, guess who gets to eat them? ;)
I love Oakley's pretty blue Easter dress, she is so beautiful in every color! And I love that she loves Chick Fil A and shopping and chocolate too! My kind of gal!

All 4 My Gals said...

ha ha ha! Tell your girl, "she's FUNNY!". I love her! So...when I can come over again? Is your Spring Break next week?

Leslie said...

Ah, when did you do these to posts?? What a Proud little girl Oakley is.

I can't wait to meet her...soon I hope.

Jake and Taryn said...

Adorable!! She is so cute! Also, Happy belated Easter..I love the Easter pics!